The Ilmtech Story

We believe in technology as a complement rather than a replacement

Technology in India’s educational system is acting more as an alternative delivery mechanism while the process and system of education remain traditional.

At Ilmtech, we believe there is a better way to use technology for imparting education. A more valuable way where we provide innovative and meaningful learning experiences for students and educators that will really open up avenues of thinking for schools

We focus on pedagogy. It's one of the least understood and least transparent aspects of a great learning experience, and we see that as an opportunity. We're excited to integrate EdTech for everyone through our software, education, and community.

Our Founding

Ilmtech was founded by Junaid Khan in early 2021 with one big idea - using EdTech for social good.

As a software engineer, Junaid was well aware of the drawbacks of the Indian educational system. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, he wanted schools to thrive virtually, so he created Edify, a learning management system. He quickly realized the need and potential for innovative solutions to comeback the pitfalls of traditional education system.

In April 2021, Ilmtech conducted it's first virtual event: Unsung Heroes Virtual Marathon. This was organized in order to raise awareness about our teachers' & students' efforts, and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Virtual Marathon indicated students' desire for virtual events & communities. They wanted to be part of a vibrant, motivating community, that inspires them to improve themselves. With that mind, Ilmtech hosted Booklix - India's first virtual readathon - to promote literacy, and raise money for students' education.

Ilmtech is based in Powai - the Silicon Valley of Mumbai.